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Friday, December 16, 2011


Prayer is chanelling Divine Grace.   Caroline Myss teaches that grace  is the breath of God, an invisible essence beyond intellect that moves swiftly amongst us.  When we pray, we invoke this beautiful divine grace.

Why then, do our prayers go unanswered????

Answered prayer does not always mean that we get what we want.  I do believe that sometimes God says no to our prayers because He knows what is best for each person. It is beyond our human understanding to know what is best as  we can't see the big picture.  In saying that I do believe that  we receive what we need for our soul growth and life lessons that  we have come to earth to learn  and sometimes it is for our loved ones highest good  that our prayers seem to go unanswered.  While this can be extremely hard to accept, believing this does help  to let go of some of the anger that we can sometimes feel towards God.  I prayed with such intensity for Zoe's healing that when the doctor's told me that she wasn't going to make it, I didn't believe them.  I always thought that she would be healed physically.  I had enormous trust and faith in God that He would heal my daughter as I could not bear to think of the alternative. Lea was so supportive during this time and actually gave me a tiny mustard seed as a sign of our faith that we both had for Zoe's healing.   At first I felt extremely betrayed by God and the Angels, but  on my quest for answers I have learnt that healing has many levels and  healing can sometimes  be on an emotional or spiritual level and maybe this was the case with Zoe.  Acceptance is never easy and my heart still aches with the pain of separation.  What helps me is that I believe that her earthly work was done and it was time for her to go on to do her heavenly work.  I still pray because I believe that God does hear our prayers, but now my prayers are for  my loved ones highest good believing that there is a Grand Design or plan that is far beyond our human understanding and I trust that all is being taken care of.  I ask, believe, say thank you and let it go asking for a sign that all is well.

A Prayer of Trust and Gratitude

"Dear God, I trust that no matter what happens in my life, it is for my highest good. And no matter what happens in the lives of those I love, it is for their highest good. From all things you put before us, we shall become stronger and more loving people. I am grateful for all the beauty and opportunity you put into my life. And in all that I do, I shall seek to be a channel for your love." Amen
Susan Jeffers

A Prayer for Healing

That is carried from God by Michael, Thy Archangel

Pour out, Thy Healing Angels,
Thy Heavenly Host upon me,
And upon those that I love,
Let me feel the beam of Thy
Healing Angels upon me,
The light of Your Healing Hands.
I will let Thy Healing begin,
Whatever way God grants it,
Lorna Byrne

Catholic Prayer

'In the name of Jesus, I pray that you release your healing love into .......................'s body or  situation.
I thankyou and I praise you.'

I also have a Healing Journal containing photos of loved ones, Holy pictures and prayers. I send distance prayers and healing energy to my loved ones, whilst surrounding them with rainbows.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Love Peace and Joy

Willow Tree Angels

I have a huge collection of the Willow Tree angels and I particularly love these three figurines that represent Love Peace and Joy.
May the blessings of peace, love, and joy be a presence in your life.

'Willow Tree hand-carved sculptures speak in quiet ways to heal, comfort, protect and inspire. Susan Lordi identifies emotions so important for us to convey, and renders them in simple, pure gestures. About Willow Tree, Susan says, "I try to keep the interpretation of Willow Tree open. I hope this makes it more personal, and allows the viewer to decide its meaning." A gift of Willow Tree communicates beyond words.'

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Petrea King

1 December 2011

Aileen Wait

Dear Aileen,

Greetings! Thank you so much for your lovely letter and for sending me a copy of your book Beyond Words. Please accept my apologies for such a lengthy delay in responding. We have had a very busy time at Quest and have been all over the country with our workshops and lectures.

Beyond Words is a beautiful book that is certain to assist others with their own healing journey. I have enjoyed dipping into it and am sure our participants will too. I have added it to our library at the Centre so it is available for all participants to read during their stay with us. I was also delighted to read that you have also had a connection with rainbows and that they provided comfort during your journey with grief. Our Rainbow Ritual has proven to be a wonderful blessing for many of our participants.

I wish you well with your healing journey and much success with your book.

Warm regards,

Petrea King
Founding Director and CEO

Quest for Life Foundation

PO Box 390 Bundanoon NSW 2578
T: 02 4883 6599

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ABN 79 003 747 153, CFN 10576